Firm Overview
The Law Offices of Albert Siu, A Professional Corporation, began as a boutique law firm in February 2002 in Arcadia, California, and initially focused exclusively in real estate related disputes. Two decades later, our law firm celebrated its 20th anniversary on February 2022. Our law firm is located in a Class A office building in the Puente Hills Business Center, City of Industry, and conveniently located in the San Gabriel Valley. Throughout our decades of service to our clients, our law firm continued to grow and expand from family owned small businesses to large foreign corporations in Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and the People’s Republic of China. As a result, our law firm is trusted to handle multi-million dollar investment projects with foreign high net worth investors while being low key and discreet. Our law firm also welcomes foreign law firms and foreign service agencies in Asia to facilitate the handling of legal matters in the United States.
Our law firm serves as corporate counsel to many large domestic and foreign corporations, including the following representative clients: Delicious Food Corner and IRN Realty.
With over 95% of our clients from the Asian Pacific Rim, including the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia, and Taiwan, our law firm has bilingual attorneys and staff to speak Mandarin and Cantonese. Our law firm has represented real estate investors in brand name hotel deals and commercial real estate acquisitions in excess of over $100 million dollars. In additional, our law firm has successfully obtained EB-5 Immigrant Investor Green cards for accredited high net worth individuals (HNWIs) from Asia with a 100% success rate. Our EB-5 experience includes the following regional centers:
INVEST LA REGIONAL CENTER, LLC – Marina Del Rey Courtyard by Marriot Hotel
RANCON REGIONAL CENTER, LLC – Temecula Europa Village Winery and Resort
ARC ATLANTIC REGIONAL CENTER, LLC – Monterey Park Courtyard by Marriot Hotel
CALIFORNIA REAL ESTATE REGIONAL CENTER, LLC – Pier South Hotel by Marriot, Beverly Hills Waldorf Astoria Hotel, and LAX Hyatt House Hotel
FLORIDA EB-5 INVESTMENTS, LLC – Metropica Condominium Project
In the coming decade, our law firm looks forward to working in the blockchain and cryptocurrency markets in the US and abroad. We are confident that our unmatched service, dedication, sincerity, and professionalism will be remembered as the trademark reputation for our legal services.
Our motto is “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
Please feel free to visit our offices for a legal consultation with one of our experienced staff. We look forward to resolving your legal problems.
蕭沛夫律師事務所於2002年2月在美國加州阿卡迪亞市開業。最初專注於同房地產有關的各類法律糾紛。二十年後,于2022年2月,我們的律師事務所在 位於工業市的總公司舉辦了慶祝成立二十週年紀念會。回顧過往,在這整整二十年中,我們的律師團隊在不斷地擴大,業務也在不斷地擴展。在事務所創始人蕭沛夫律師 的帶領下,我們的律師事務所已成為多家大型企業的常年法律顧問,並成功地代理了他們的各項法律事務,得到商家的讚譽。其中包括加州精英房地產公司 IRN Realty (美國), Delicious Food Corner (美國)。同時我們也歡迎與海外的律師事務所及服務機構合作共同處理美國的法律事務。
我們的客戶群95%以上來自亞洲環太平洋地區,包括中國大陸,香港,澳门,新加坡,马来西亚和台灣。 我們有雙語工作人員,她们精通流利的普通話,廣東話,台语。為給日益壯大的亞洲客戶群提供更迅捷周到的法律服務。我們律師事務所曾代表來自亞洲的房地產投資商和外國 公司參與知名酒店項目,並且成功收購超過10億美元的商業地產。另外,我們公司已成功幫助來自亞洲的EB-5投資者獲得綠卡。我們经手的EB-5項目包括 以下區域中心:
加州太平洋集團區域中心有限責任公司 – 天普市
加州房地產區域中心有限責任公司 – 南碼頭酒店,萬豪酒店
投資洛杉磯區域中心有限責任公司 – 瑪麗娜德爾灣萬怡萬豪酒店
瑞肯區域中心有限責任公司 – 塔梅拉歐洲酒莊度假村
ARC大西洋區域中心有限責任公司 – 蒙特利公園市萬怡萬豪酒店
加州房地产区域中心有限责任公司 – 南码头万豪酒店、比佛利山庄华尔道夫酒店和 LAX 凯悦嘉寓酒店
佛罗里达州EB-5区域中心投资 – Metropica 公寓项目
在未來的十年中,我們的律師事務所將致力於服務更多的跨國公司,上市公司, 國有企業。我們相信,高质量服务,敬业态度,诚信品德和专业水平就是我们的标志。
立即提供法律援助,請打預約電話 (626) 462-0280。我們事務所的辦公時間為上午10時至下午5時,週一至週五。如果您有特別需要,我們會為您安排工作以外的時間,為您提供及時的法律服務。