The Law Offices of Albert Siu, A Professional Corporation, practices in the areas of real estate, business and corporations, and immigration. Our law firm is dedicated to helping you resolve your legal problems and plan for your future. Our law firm is also committed to building and maintaining a long term relationship with each and every client based upon integrity, compassion and exceptional service.


For legal advise or legal representation on any real estate, business/corporate, or immigration matter, hire an experienced attorney to protect your rights and investments.  Our law firm will review any relevant documents and agreements, and seek cost effective remedies including negotiation and settlement in mediation and arbitration.  In the event your case cannot be resolved amicably, we are prepared to protect your rights and interests in litigation in a court of law.   To learn more about how we can help you resolve your domestic or international legal problems, please feel free to contact us at your convenience.

Although most litigation matters are not taken by our office on a contingency basis, we are considered uniquely affordable by competitively pricing our hourly rates within the budget of most individuals and business owners to retain our professional legal services.

For immediately legal assistance, call us at (626) 462-0280 to schedule an appointment.  Our offices are open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and our schedule is flexible if you have important after hours matters. We now accept Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin Cryptocurrencies for our legal services.


蕭沛夫律師事務所擁有專業的法律團隊,為客戶在房地產法,商業法,公司法及移民法等 領域提供專業的法律諮詢和幫助。我們秉承著最快的時效,良好的服務,合理的收費,真誠的職業道德等專業準則,致力於幫助您解決法律問題,並為您規劃未來, 為您在美國的生活和事業保駕護航。同我們的客戶建立並保持長期的合作關係是我們的目標。我們事務所位於洛杉磯的工業市,隨時為我們的客人提供 專業的法律服務。


面對棘手複雜的法律難題,您需要聘請經驗豐富的律師來給於中肯的法律諮詢,並代表您保護您的權益和投資。我們的律師事務所將審查所有相關的文件和合 同,並尋求有效的補救措施,包括談判,調解和仲裁解決。如果您的法律問題不能夠在以上友好的情況下得以解決,我們會準備訴訟,在法庭上為您爭取到最高的權 利和利益。要了解更多有關我們如何能幫助你解決國內及國際間的法律問題,請隨時聯繫我們。儘管大多數人認為律師費是筆不小的花費,我們的收費在同行業內是有競爭力的,我們在維持專業的法律服務水準的同時,會調整我們的收費在大多數個人和企業主負擔得起的預算範圍內。

立即提供法律援助,請打預約電話 (626) 462-0280。我們事務所的辦公時間為上午10時至下午5時,週一至週五。如果您有特別需要,我們會為您安排工作以外的時間,為您提供及時的法律服務。

Law Offices of Albert Siu, APC and its logo is a federal trademark registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office

Main Office: (626) 462-0280

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